Better than most

Good morning world it’s a beautiful day, just done 8 miles on the old bike and had a coffee in the sunshine on the harbour side, what could possibly go wrong?

It was blue skies and I watched the early morning activity on the water, fishing boats going out to check their pots, the Police RIB doing their morning checks, a yacht leaving for destinations unknown. Then I walked into the cafe and the owner, who knows my order well, greeted me pleasantly, the trouble is, and I don’t let it get me down, I’m just having a laugh at him really, there’s this other regular, I’ll name and shame here, he’s called Sam, who is the most miserable guy I’ve ever met! I call him Mr Happy on the basis that he’s only happy when he’s moaning and he can always find something to moan about.

The other day I commented, during a discussion about the Olympic legacy, on the fact that our holiday cottage wasn’t full for the whole summer and he told me to let homeless people stay in it. This sounds like a good citizens attitude if a little on the left of centre for me.

However, on a previous occasion, discussing homeless people and the unemployed, he ranted about what a useless drain on society they all are! I now wonder what his perfect citizen is like????

As I left the cafe to sit on the beautiful harbourside, I heard him saying “There’s all this torch crap today isn’t there?” And, Yes, today is the day when the Olympic Torch comes to Weymouth, I hope to be able to finish work and catch it at some point, at the very latest, we’ve got tickets for the big party on the beach and the torch is arriving on the beach, at the party, by Gig (Weymouth, not Portland) to kick off the concert. There’s a load of bands playing, Liam knows pretty much all of them and I haven’t heard of any of them, I’m so old and out of it! I even enjoy starting the day off reading a paper over breakfast, that’s how old I am. And I’m off on a mate’s 50th birthday weekend tomorrow!

When I got back to the house I commented to Mary that despite all that, our life here in Weymouth is loads better than most people’s all over the world so stop moaning, if you don’t like what’s going on, move!